Chiropractic Benefits for a Knee Injury

You’re probably thinking how could chiropractic possibly help with a knee injury/knee pain. Good question. Chiropractors specialize in treating the spine but they also have training in other joints and areas of the body. Nerves in your body run through your spinal cord and out into the different body parts and systems. When a vertebrae […]

At Home Lumbar stretches

Are you struggling with back pain? Chiropractic care is a great way to ease symptoms and get the body healing naturally. Do you know what can assist in the healing process and help ease back pain? Stretching. Stretching on a daily basis can help alleviate back pain and loosen tight back muscles. Below are a few […]

Natural Solution to Bedwetting

Bedwetting can be embarrassing for kids and teens and can even restrict them from fun activities like camps and sleepovers. This is where chiropractic can help! The brain controls and regulates every cell, tissue, organ, and system in the body including the bladder. The brains messages should have a clear pathway leading to the bladder. When […]

Avoid Low Back Pain

Our goal is to see every patient get better and stay better! We see many patients with low back pain and many have different causes,but here are several tips to keep your low back in tip top shape this summer: Hydrate: Drinking lots of water helps maintain healthy intervertebral discs. The intervertebral disc acts as […]

Combat your Child’s Falls with Chiropractic!

We all know how active kids are and how often they can fall, especially when they are learning to walk. These falls are oftentimes small but can misalign the spine and in turn, affect the child’s nervous system function. The nervous system affects most if not all of a child’s body functions. There are 31 pairs of nerves […]

What Should I Expect?

I’m new to Chiropractic and what should I expect? Good question! At Cornerstone Chiropractic, we are committed to helping families reach their optimal health potential through principal, neurological chiropractic care. We specialize in Torque Release Technique, one of the most scientifically researched techniques in chiropractic today. It is very gentle and works for people of all […]

Combat Allergies with Chiropractic!

Allergies are in full swing this spring so people are leaning on their medications to get them through. What if we told you we can help with the sneezing, stuffy nose, and watery eyes? Chiropractic can help combat the symptoms you experience with seasonal allergies! Allergies, the most common being to pollen, grass, dust mites, and […]

Benefits to Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

We get a lot of questions regarding Chiropractic care and if it is safe for pregnant women. The answer is YES! Chiropractic care is a great option for soon-to-be mothers and their developing baby! We have laid out a few benefits expecting mothers may experience with Chiropractic during their pregnancy. Back Pain Relief It’s no surprise that […]

Nutrition is KEY!

We have so many patients ask us what they should be doing at home after adjustments to help the body’s healing process. Nutrition, Nutrition, Nutrition! What goes into your body determines what you get out of it. For example, if you eat fast food every week, your body doesn’t have any nutrients to give you energy […]

Disc Herniation and Chiropractic Care

A herniated disc is no fun. We all know that, but did you know there are other options aside from surgery? Chiropractic care is an effective, more affordable option to treating disc herniation. Before we go into how chiropractic can help treat herniated discs we need to understand what the disc are and how they help our […]