Benefits of Chiropractic for Traveling

Traveling this summer? Plan one more stop at the end of your trip! After all the aches and pains of travel, a chiropractic adjustment could be just what you need. Whether it be sitting on a cramped airplane or hours in the car on a road trip, your neck and back can become stiff and […]

Chiropractic Near Me – Chiropractor Nearby

Cornerstone Chiropractic Clinic is committed to helping you reach your optimum potential in health and wellness. We specialize in the most advanced and reproducible chiropractic care in history. What we do? Back Pain Headaches Neck Pain Car Accidents Chiropractic Care Pregnancy Sports Injury Pediatric Cornerstone chiropractic woodbury mn clinic is one of the best in […]

Don’t ignore pain!

An injured worker, or someone who has been in a car accident, is 28 times less likely to have spinal surgery if the first point of contact is a chiropractor, rather than a surgeon. Waiting for the pain to go away forces your body to compensate, only leading to problems down the road. That pain […]

How often are you looking down?

With all of our modern day technology we spend more time looking down then we used to. Looking at our desktop at work, our tablet at home, our phones everywhere else. What you probably don’t realize is that when you have your neck constantly tilted forward and down, you are slowing taking out the natural […]

Which pillow is best for me?

Practice members frequently ask about the correct pillow or pillow recommendations. Patients will even bring in their pillows and show us how they are sleeping. It gets tricky because each bed is different. There are so many types of beds from air mattress, conventional and memory foam. This affects how much your shoulders sink in […]

Avoid Low Back Pain

Our goal is to see every patient get better and stay better! We see many patients with low back pain and many have different causes,but here are several tips to keep your low back in tip top shape this summer: Hydrate: Drinking lots of water helps maintain healthy intervertebral discs. The intervertebral disc acts as […]

What Should I Expect?

I’m new to Chiropractic and what should I expect? Good question! At Cornerstone Chiropractic, we are committed to helping families reach their optimal health potential through principal, neurological chiropractic care. We specialize in Torque Release Technique, one of the most scientifically researched techniques in chiropractic today. It is very gentle and works for people of all […]

Benefits to Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

We get a lot of questions regarding Chiropractic care and if it is safe for pregnant women. The answer is YES! Chiropractic care is a great option for soon-to-be mothers and their developing baby! We have laid out a few benefits expecting mothers may experience with Chiropractic during their pregnancy. Back Pain Relief It’s no surprise that […]

Disc Herniation and Chiropractic Care

A herniated disc is no fun. We all know that, but did you know there are other options aside from surgery? Chiropractic care is an effective, more affordable option to treating disc herniation. Before we go into how chiropractic can help treat herniated discs we need to understand what the disc are and how they help our […]

Have You Been in an Auto Accident? We Can Help!

Didn’t expect snow in April? Yeah, we didn’t either but nevertheless, it’s here which means less than perfect driving conditions. So what happens when icy roads lead to an auto accident? Depending on your speed when the collision happened, you may or may not have symptoms right away but did you know that whiplash can […]