Tendinitis and How Chiropractic Care Can Help!

Tendinitis is a condition in which the tendon that connects the bone to the muscle is injured. Tendinitis happens when repetitive motion and excess friction cause pressure to build up.  In more severe cases the injury can cause the shoulder to freeze up and lose motion. It usually happens in the shoulder but can also happen […]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and How Chiropractic Can Help

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a fairly common condition that often occurs due to repetitive motions of the wrist, such as typing that irritates the median nerve in the wrist. Some common symptoms that accompany Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are numbness, tingling, weakness, or wrist/hand discomfort. Once you start to notice these symptoms and their effects on your daily […]

Have You Been in an Auto Accident? We Can Help!

Didn’t expect snow in April? Yeah, we didn’t either but nevertheless, it’s here which means less than perfect driving conditions. So what happens when icy roads lead to an auto accident? Depending on your speed when the collision happened, you may or may not have symptoms right away but did you know that whiplash can […]

TMJ and Chiropractic

What is TMJ? TMJ, otherwise known as temporomandibular joint disorder, is a pain disorder that affects the muscles and nerves where your jaw connects to your skull. There are a few different common causes for TMJ that could include but are not limited to; injury to the teeth or jaw, misalignment, teeth grinding, arthritis, or stress. Chiropractic […]

Unexpected Benefits of Chiropractic

Chiropractic is a great solution to those suffering with neck pain, back pain, and headaches, but did you know that there are so many addition benefits that come along with getting adjusted? Check out some of the awesome benefits you can get from regular chiropractic care: Digestive Problems Digestive Problems? Really? Most people are surprised to hear […]

Avoid Nagging Back Pain this Spring

As the weather gets nicer here in the midwest, it’s that time of the year to start spending more more time outside, planting the garden, walking the dogs, and cleaning up the yard. This change in activity level can be damaging on the spine without proper preparation. Here we have shared some things you can […]

How to Keep a Strong and Healthy Back!

So many things contribute to our health from diet to exercise but what about our spinal health? Here are a few to keep in mind to keep your back strong and healthy: Posture: Posture may be the most obvious but is oftentimes the most difficult way to keep your spine in the best shape possible. Many […]

Does Your Sleeping Position Matter?

People who suffer with back or neck pain often contribute this pain to repetitive day to day tasks such as desk work, sports, or other lifestyle habits.  Chiropractic adjustments are very effective in relieving this pain but changes in our daily routine should be considered to keep the spine in its optimal shape such as the position you choose to sleep […]

Forward Head Posture

Forward Head Posture (Anterior Head Carriage) occurs when your neck shifts forward, placing your head in front of your shoulders. It can be caused by bad habits, such as spending long periods sitting at your computer or looking down at your cell phone. Forward Head Posture can also been seen after an injury to the […]

Fight the Flu

Flu season is in full swing this winter. Here are 4 “Do’s” and “Don’ts” to keeping your immune system health this season: 1. DO take probiotics. Probiotics are the healthy bacteria in our digestive tract that help us digest food. Probiotics have been link to a health immune system. 2. DON’T subject yourself to sugar. Sugar is what many […]