Tech Neck

“Tech Neck” or “Text Neck” happens when people spend too much time with their head leaned forward over their body looking down at a computer screen or phone. It also happens from repeatedly tipping the chin down and hunching the shoulders to carry on text conversations. Tech Neck increases the stress to our cervical spine […]

Don’t ignore pain!

An injured worker, or someone who has been in a car accident, is 28 times less likely to have spinal surgery if the first point of contact is a chiropractor, rather than a surgeon. Waiting for the pain to go away forces your body to compensate, only leading to problems down the road. That pain […]

How often are you looking down?

With all of our modern day technology we spend more time looking down then we used to. Looking at our desktop at work, our tablet at home, our phones everywhere else. What you probably don’t realize is that when you have your neck constantly tilted forward and down, you are slowing taking out the natural […]

Which pillow is best for me?

Practice members frequently ask about the correct pillow or pillow recommendations. Patients will even bring in their pillows and show us how they are sleeping. It gets tricky because each bed is different. There are so many types of beds from air mattress, conventional and memory foam. This affects how much your shoulders sink in […]

What Should I Expect?

I’m new to Chiropractic and what should I expect? Good question! At Cornerstone Chiropractic, we are committed to helping families reach their optimal health potential through principal, neurological chiropractic care. We specialize in Torque Release Technique, one of the most scientifically researched techniques in chiropractic today. It is very gentle and works for people of all […]

Unexpected Benefits of Chiropractic

Chiropractic is a great solution to those suffering with neck pain, back pain, and headaches, but did you know that there are so many addition benefits that come along with getting adjusted? Check out some of the awesome benefits you can get from regular chiropractic care: Digestive Problems Digestive Problems? Really? Most people are surprised to hear […]

Does Your Sleeping Position Matter?

People who suffer with back or neck pain often contribute this pain to repetitive day to day tasks such as desk work, sports, or other lifestyle habits.  Chiropractic adjustments are very effective in relieving this pain but changes in our daily routine should be considered to keep the spine in its optimal shape such as the position you choose to sleep […]

Forward Head Posture

Forward Head Posture (Anterior Head Carriage) occurs when your neck shifts forward, placing your head in front of your shoulders. It can be caused by bad habits, such as spending long periods sitting at your computer or looking down at your cell phone. Forward Head Posture can also been seen after an injury to the […]